Heat Stress Awareness Guide July 8 / 2020
https://www.ohcow.on.ca/edit/files/heatstressawareness/Heat%20Stress%20Awareness%20Guide.pdf ( English )
Employment Standards in Ontario / Las Normas Laborales en Ontario July 8 / 2020
https://files.ontario.ca/employment-standards-in-ontario.pdf ( English )
https://files.ontario.ca/employment-standards-in-ontario-spanish.pdf ( Spanish / Espanol )
Health and Safety at Work / Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo July 8 / 2020
https://files.ontario.ca/posters/poster_prevention.pdf ( English )
https://files.ontario.ca/posters/poster_prevention_spanish.pdf ( Spanish / Espanol )
Ministerio de Trabajo ( Ministry of Labour ) July 8 / 2020
Guia de la Ley de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional ( Version en Espanol )
Guide to the Occupational Health and Safety Act ( English Version )
COVID - 19 Class Order June 24 / 2020
​Frequently asked questions about the Health Protection and Promotion Act to all agricultural operations in Durham Region who employ and house Temporary Foreign Workers ( TFWs) .
Preguntas frecuentes acerca la Ley de Protección y Promoción de la Salud para todas las operaciones agrícolas en la región de Durham que emplean y alojan Trabajadores Extranjeros Temporales (TFW).
Durham Region Health Department June 24 / 2020
Facts about Migrant Farm Worker Operation during COVID-19
Datos sobre la operación de los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes durante COVID-19
​What is news .. June 24 / 2020
https://mailchi.mp/3fefad2f419d/collecting-non-perishable-food-and-clothing-for-our-migrant-workers?e=6e01d07ba5 What we are doing to support migrant workers in this challenging times / Que estamos haciendo para brindarle suporte a los trabajadores agricolas.
June 16 / 2020 Ford says Ontario has tested more than 700 migrant workers for COVID-19.
https://globalnews.ca/news/7072283/coronavirus-ontario-migrant-farmers/ ....
Ford dijo que Ontario ha realizado más de 700 exámenes de COVID-19 a trabajadores migrantes que laboran en las granjas.
June 9/2020 Religious Organization / Christian Church.
https://www.facebook.com/nunez1982 .
Iglesia cristiana que brinda servicio y apoyo a los trabajadores agrícolas.